Funding Criteria

Grants & Rebates

Interested in our grants & rebates?

Read the fine print before submitting your application. 

Are you interested in receiving a rebate and/or grant from CORE for your building improvement project? Please review this information before submitting your application. Additional criteria can be found on the Residential Rebates page and Commercial & Multifamily Building Funding page. Answers to other frequently asked questions are on our FAQ page.

Rebate & Grant Criteria

  • Who can apply?

    CORE funding for residential, commercial, and multifamily building electrification projects is available to community members living in Pitkin County and the Roaring Fork Boundary of Eagle County. Funding is available for existing buildings unless otherwise noted. Multifamily buildings are defined as complexes with four or more units in the building. Multifamily projects must be in the common area of the building and/or every unit of the building. 

  • Does the program change?

    While CORE staff attempt to make changes to funding programs before the beginning of each quarter, any aspect of the grant or rebate programs may be changed at any time and without notice. 

  • How much funding is available?

    Funding is limited. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Heat pump criteria

    Heat pumps must be used for space heating and must be the primary heating source. Heat pumps may be used for space cooling. 

    The outside unit must be elevated at least 12 inches off the ground to defrost properly.

    Recommendation: calculate load to the right size heat pump system and derate for high elevation.

    The unit must be rated for cold climates (-5° or lower heating capability).

    The project application must include an electrical upgrade quote. 

    Heat pump water heating systems must be Energy-Star certified with heat pump technology. 

    Heat pump clothes dryers must replace natural gas clothes dryers. Rebates are only available for commercial and multifamily projects.

    Heat pump clothes dryer systems must be Energy-Star certified dryers with heat pump technology.

    Heat pump efficiency ratings:

    Ducted heat pump

    • Energy Star rated
    • EER2  ≥ 10

    Ductless mini-split heat pump

    • SEER2 ≥ 16
    • EER ≥ 9
    • HSPF2 ≥ 9.5
    • Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF)
    • EER 10 or higher
    • COP 2 or higher

    Packaged heat pumps (ex. rooftop units) 

    • 13.4 SEER2 (14 SEER) or higher - A/C component 
    • 6.7 HSPF2 (8 HSPF) or higher - heating component
    • 3.3 COP at 47 degrees dB (dry bulb)
    • 2.05 COP at 15 degrees dB

    The following projects are considered on a case-by-case basis:

    • Air-to-water heat pumps.
    • Ground source heat pumps.
    • PTACs/VTACs.

  • Recommissioning

    The contractor's report and proof of implementing recommendations must be provided to CORE staff to receive funding.

  • Major Insulation Improvements

    For roof or siding replacements, rebate amounts are based on the project cost specific to insulation and air sealing improvements that exceed any levels required to receive a permit for the project. Rebate amounts are not based on the overall project cost for the roof or siding replacement. 

    Insulation must reach the following R-values/details:

    • Exterior Wall: Insulate exterior/foundation walls to a minimum R-19.
    • Attic: Insulate floor of the unfinished attic to a minimum R-60.
    • Floor: Insulate floor of living space above the garage or unconditioned crawlspace to a minimum R-30.
    • Crawlspace wall: Insulate to a minimum R-19.

    The following are required for any major air sealing improvements

    • For residential and multifamily projects:
    • An energy assessment is required before the project begins.
    • A post-project blower door test is required. CORE can connect you with a contractor for the blower door test. 
    • Air leakage must be reduced by 10% or more as measured in CFM50 bythe blower door test.
    • Post-project Natural Air Changes per Hour (NACH) must not be lower than 0.35. If lower, a mechanical ventilation system must be in place. 

    For commercial projects:

    • A mechanical ventilation system must be in place. 
    • Radon testing is recommended before project design. 

    The following are required for any major duct insulation and air-sealing projects:

    • Repair any damaged and disconnected ducts and straighten out flexible ducts that are tangled or crushed
    • Seal all leaks and connections with mastic, metal tape, or an aerosol-based sealant
    • Seal all registers and grills tightly to the ducts
    • Before and after CFM measurements for ducts required
    • Insulate ducts to R-6 or higher in unconditioned areas (attics/crawlspaces/garages)

    The following are recommended for any major duct insulation and air-sealing projects:

    • Evaluate your system's supply and return air balance to ensure air return ducts are not too small.
    • Replace filters at the completion of any duct system improvement.
    • If you have natural gas appliances, ensure there is no back drafting by getting a CAZ (combustion appliance zone) safety test after the ducts are sealed.

  • Rebate Specific Criteria

    Total project cost (definition): All reasonable costs, as defined by CORE staff, associated with an eligible project, including taxes, travel, mileage, and permit expenses. For example, drywall and painting costs associated with replacing baseboard heat with a wall-hung heat pump can be included in the total project cost. 

    Electric capacity upgrade costs as part of the project are considered to be a cost included for an electrification or efficiency project; the capacity upgrade cost is not considered a separate project. 

    For permitted projects, rebates are only for the project scope and costs beyond the code requirements. 

    The rebate application and detailed invoices and receipts for purchases and work performed must be provided to CORE staff within 90 days from the date of purchase or documented completion of the project.

    Rebate checks are distributed within 4-6 weeks of receiving the completed rebate application.

    Rebate equipment must be installed before applying for a rebate. CORE reserves the right to inspect the installation premises.

    CORE is not liable or responsible for any act or omission of any party, consumer, or contractor.

    CORE reserves the right to refuse payment and participation if the consumer or contractor violates program rules and procedures. 

    CORE is not liable for rebates promised to consumers because of a contractor misrepresenting the program.

    Equipment must meet the technical requirements listed in the application form. CORE reserves the right to withhold payment for products that do not meet the requirements.

    Rebates are awarded based on the fair and reasonable prices of equipment and labor. 

    CORE reserves the right to adjust rebates based on a price that is commensurate with the extent and complexity of the services/equipment provided and comparable to the price paid by entities for projects of similar scope and complexity.

    The name and phone number of your gas and/or electric utility provider and a consent form from them to provide CORE with usage data for all 12 months before the project completion date, as well as into the future as needed.

    Rebates may be assigned to the contractor who completes the project. The contractor's name must be shown on the invoice.

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