About CORE

CORE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit accelerating the transformation to a sustainable future through action-oriented solutions to the climate crisis. 

CORE turns vision into reality by actively pursuing electrification efforts and addressing the primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions in our valley, preserving the remarkable place we call home.

CORE is able to continue our work with the support of our member organizations, sponsors, and donors.

Since 1994, CORE has used innovation, connectivity and community to tackle climate change. Together, we:

A black and white drawing of a group of people standing next to each other.
Removed more than 34,000 metric tons of carbon through 6,000 energy efficiency projects.
A black and white drawing of a globe on a white background.
Connected people, businesses, and organizations with more than $10 million—and counting—in grants and rebates to implement energy conservation.

A black and white icon of a house with a sun behind it.
Eased the energy burden on affordable housing residents.
A black and white drawing of a molecule with the letter c in the middle.
Pioneered innovative projects like eliminating massive amounts of methane leaching from an abandoned coal mine.

At our CORE

CORE's mission is  to lead the Roaring Fork Valley to a carbon-free, net-zero energy future.

We are guided by our core values:

  • Environmental Justice – Our processes, experience and solutions are accessible to every community.
  • Accountability – We deliver on our promises.
  • Action – We are driven by results.
  • Innovation – We adapt and respond to opportunity.
  • Collaboration – We work together with those advancing a shared vision.
A group of people are posing for a picture while holding drinks.

Setting our sights high

The following are CORE's strategic goals outlined in our Strategic Plan (adopted 2023).

  • Goal 1. Achieve 69,200MTCO2 in verifiable and community-focused reductions of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

    1. Develop and implement a tool to objectively evaluate existing and potential programs to make data-informed decisions on annual program priorities by 2024.
    2. Facilitate the adoption of energy benchmarking and building performance standards within our region by 2026.
    3. Verify grant-funded projects achieve projected carbon reduction targets and report verified and rebate-funded projects deemed savings, annually.
    4. Increase energy efficiency and electrification/fuel switching projects carbon reduction by 20% annually, to achieve the 2030 goal.
  • Goal 2: 40% of CORE initiatives are directed to underserved and workforce communities by 2025.

    1. Deepen relationships to develop and align community engagement and communications strategies with underserved and workforce communities by 2024.
    2. 40% of programs directly impact underserved and workforce communities by 2025.
  • Goal 3: Demonstrate organizational excellence in regional climate action knowledge and capacity building in the built environment.

    1. Collaborate with education systems and workforce development organizations to increase the number of technicians trained to implement carbon reduction and energy efficiency measures in the built environment.
    2. Align staff capacity, expertise, and skills to effectively reduce greenhouse gasses in the built environment, in alignment with organizational and regional goals.
    3. Achieve 90% satisfaction in delivering technical advising, planning, and implementation, from the region’s municipalities, utilities, and CORE customers.
    4. CORE will be recognized by all staff as a great place to work, via annual performance review feedback.
  • Goal 4: Seek out and pursue high-impact greenhouse gas reduction demonstration projects with potential for exceeding return on investment of existing programs and projects.

    1. Determine greenhouse gas reduction impact and project viability for methane capture opportunities by 2025.
    2. Collaborate to advance climate-positive projects, regionally.
    3. Establish a restricted “innovation fund” to pursue high-potential, high-impact program opportunities, by 2026.
  • Goal 5: Diversify and increase sustainable funding that meets or exceeds the board approved annual operating budget.

    1. Expand fee-for-service revenue as a percentage of the operating budget by 5% annually.
    2. Increase individual and corporate philanthropic revenue as a percentage of the operating budget by 10% annually.
    3. Increase government and foundation grant revenue as a percentage of the operating budget by 15% annually.
    4. Evolve the Board composition to adequately support increased capacity for philanthropic fundraising, by 2025.


Open Staff Positions

Are you passionate about making a lasting impact on climate change and the Roaring Fork Valley? Do you want to harmonize your passion and profession? Do you want to work with stellar people who align with your values of environmental justice, innovation, collaboration, action, and accountability? Join our team and apply for an open staff position with CORE.

Learn More and Apply
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